Advice Pertaining to a Solar Hot Water Heater

When people think about solar energy, their minds mostly go to those expensive solar rigs for home usage, but that’s certainly not the only type of solar energy out there.

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You can also purchase solar-specific appliances, like small chargers and even solar hot water heaters. When installed correctly, a solar hot water heater can provide you with all the hot water you’ll need while also helping you to reduce your energy costs.

The way a solar water heater works is simple. It’s basically like a huge thermos with heating tubes to supply the hot water. The heating tubes use chemicals which react with the sun’s energy to create a lot of heat. After the water is heated significantly, it is then stored in the water heater until used. In essence, the storage and delivery works almost like a basic water heater, but the supply of the water is where it differs.

You can use a solar water heater in almost any home. They’re not good fits in apartments, because they need a little more space than a basic water heater, but most average homes have plenty of capacity for a solar water heater. The only thing to be concerned about is if your current heater is in a tight space, like a closet that was specifically built for an exact size heater. Other than that, any home can handle one.

Advice Pertaining to a Solar Hot Water Heater

The climate is always a question for people considering purchasing solar equipment, but it really has no bearing on a solar water heater. If you lived in an area that didn’t receive a lot of sunshine, then perhaps your solar rig would suffer. But for a solar water heater, you won’t need direct, intense sun. You just need enough to get a reaction and flow started. This can happen in any climate.

The capacity of heater you choose is totally up you. There is no set or safe size to go with. Think about the water heater you have now. How many gallons does it hold? Does it meet the needs of your family? If the answer is yes, then you should stick with your current size, just switching it out for a solar heater. If you need something larger, then look into higher capacity tanks.

Although you can build a new location for your solar water heater, you would be better off just placing it where the existing heater is at now. If you need to make any modifications to the area, it’s a lot easier to touch up an existing location than it is to find a new one. The actual tank isn’t much different than the existing tank, so don’t worry too much about custom-built spaces for the heater. You’ll be fine.

If you have a solar rig that’s supplying power to your home, then you can use an electric water heater. You don’t have to use a solar water heater just because you have solar power elsewhere. A solar water heater is a self-contained system, operating independently. So you can mix and match what you’re doing in your home.

Learning about solar water heaters will help you make the best choice for you and your family. It’s not a difficult topic, but it’s still a topic you should take some time to learn about.

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