How To Go Green And Reduce Energy Consumption

Traditional forms of energy are increasing in cost daily in order to line shareholders pockets, and we’re not talking about the grandparents retirement fund that may have a few shares of stock.

green investment funds

If the big wigs aren’t concerned about the environment and only focus on their bonuses and dividends, shouldn’t you step up and reduce your power use while keeping some of that money for yourself? The fact is that there are many cost effective measures you can take to reduce your dependency on the power companies and save a substantial amount of money each and every month that can go towards a improving your quality of life.

If at all possible you should consider replacing your older appliances with newer energy star units. These are effective in conserving energy and saving a few dollars each month on your electric bill. You could consider used or closeout models to save a few dollars if the budget is tight but the fact remains, depending on the age of your current appliances, they will leave you with a return on the investment in about a year.

One of the hardest areas to control is water. It comes out of the faucet and right down the drain. If you have a well, it is using power to deliver the water though the faucets and the water heater consumes quite a bit if energy during hot showers or baths. Try installing low flow shower heads and faucets to prevent some of the energy lost in this area.

How To Go Green And Reduce Energy Consumption

One of the biggest losses of energy in the home is via doors and windows. As doors and windows age, they become less effective when it comes to blocking out drafts or preventing heat and cooling loss from inside the home. You can easily apply weatherstripping, spray foam to gaps or cover windows with plastic to insulate the home from these energy threats. The great thing is that this is extremely cheap and the items are sold in every store so finding what you need at the best price won’t be a problem at all.

Improve your energy use habits by unplugging devices when not in use. Most electronic devices consume power when they are turned off and should be unplugged when the family is away. A house full of these devices can add a small chunk of cash to the power bill when the group as a whole are left plugged in. Next, try not to leave lights on when it isn’t necessary. It is also a great idea to change lighting to energy efficient CFC. These can reduce the electric bill substantially if your home is one that uses a lot of lighting.

Following these few steps will ensure less dependency on traditional power and instead of the corporate cats getting rich at your expense, you are the one saving money for a rainy day. These are very easy to implement into your household and before you doubt the impact, change the light bulbs as those will be the eye openers and the best place to start when going green.

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